Return Policy

In order to process a return and exchange, please contact us for a return authorization.

We accepts returns and exchanges within 5 DAYS of delivery. The returned items must be received in new, unused condition.

We understand that if the customer wants to buy anything from us, then He/She  is following all our rules and policies of the website.


Damaged Products
Received Defective/Broken product, it needs to be reported within 24 hours of delivery.
NOTE: The replacement will only be initiated after our quality check process to make sure the product is in intact (not damaged or impaired in anyway; not used in anyway just like you received it.) condition. If the product fails the quality check process then no replacement will be initiated.

then kindly e-mail ( or Whatsapp @ +91-7702536245-us the Images of the Broken Product.

Please contact us and we will generate a return authorization for you. Returns are only accepted for items purchased directly from our website. The item(s) must be unused and in original packaging. To complete an exchange, place a new order for the item you would like. Please contact us with your order number and we will create a return authorization for your previous item.